LifeStyle News

Kim Kardashian Switches to an Insane Crazy Strict Diet & Workout Routine: Rise & Grind

The glamorous Kardashian family diva Kim K was never a big fan of strict diet plans and daily exercise routines. Sigh, this caught eyes of Mexican paparazzi who captured some unflattering pictures of the widely-loved entertainment star while she was out on a vacation. She’s been notably upset by her flabby pictures being made fun […]

God is Real Video | Top Viral Articles

Video Shows God Walking Across the Sky!

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s God walking across the sky! It’s time to rally the masses, non-believers and believers alike, because something has caused a stir in the clouds and it’s not rain. According to Solo Dolo, a resident of Tuscaloosa, Alabama, she saw God strutting among the whites and […]

ripped jeans fashion | Top Viral Articles
Fashion Featured

Why the New High Rise Ripped Jeans may not be for Everyone

A pair of jeans remains a popular, functional fashion despite being around for more than a century. People of all age groups see it as a wardrobe essential mostly because it is easy to wear and can be worn multiple times with different outfits without looking out of place. As a result, fashion designers and […]

Featured Health

Early Warning Signs of Liver Damage

Researchers at John Hopkins Medicine Health Library have recently released a study conclusively proven that more than 31,000 people in the United States die from cirrhosis of the liver alone – and hundreds of thousands are going to be diagnosed with chronic liver conditions and diseases every single year. What to watch out? The US […]

Featured Health

The Carnivore Diet: Is the All-meat Diet Healthy or Crazy?

What happens to the body when you continuously consume animal meat and nothing else? We all know that animal meat is dangerous, mostly when consumed in plenty. Generally, it’s only animals with short digestive tracts and big teeth that are meant to eat meat alone. According to research studies, very few people have tried to […]

Fashion Featured

7 Hairstyles to Look Younger

Finding hairstyles to look younger sure beats rolling the dice with Botox, ending up with a “frozen face” that you might be anything but happy with – and unable to showcase your displeasure because of the Botox in the first place! Here are some of the best haircuts that make you look younger without ever […]

Fashion Featured

Fashion Tips to Make You Look Younger

Our Fashion Today Modern fashion makes it possible to look a whole lot younger without that much effort (and without that much money), especially when you use the inside information, tips, and tricks to look 10 years younger we include below! Let’s dive right in! Show off your stems a little Even showing just a […]

Featured Entertainment

Netflix Secrets Finally Exposed

Netflix Subscriptions Are on the Rise Netflix stock has absolutely skyrocketed over the last five years as the amount of people with a Netflix subscription has grown by 92% over that same stretch of time. The overwhelming majority of homes in the US have at least one Netflix account, and industry experts believe that this […]


Maintaining Wellness & Believing in Yourself

“Believe in yourself” You’ve probably heard that three-word phrase more times than you can count, whether from your parents, from supportive friends, or from other articles and inspirational posts you’ve come across on the internet. The concept of believing in yourself and maintaining wellness through self-acceptance has always been popular in literature, philosophy and religion, […]