Kim’s Fitness Diet
Besides sweating the fat away on the treadmill, she also had to tweak her everyday diet a lot. She switched to a healthier diet and began watching out on food portions on Melissa’s advise. Kim recently revealed an insider family diet secret to Harper’s Bazaar, telling them how Kanye was a huge fan of healthy food and is consistently trying new diet routines. She also said they just appointed a professional nutritionist who changes their diet every 10 days to keep them grooving and healthy!
While Kim tries innovative diet routines with Kanye, Melissa works towards Making food simple for her.
Kim’s typical daily diet includes fresh oatmeal or scrambled eggs coupled with a glass full of protein shake for breakfast, chef-made chicken or fish with vegetable garnishing for lunch and the same goes for dinner. Both her similar dinner and lunch are apparently cooked in olive oil, usually being fiber packed vegetables, red meat or eggs.
The celeb figure is known worldwide for her gorgeous figure and she’s surely doing a lot to maintain it!