Have Stronger Relationships

A negative perception towards yourself is certain to cause trouble in paradise. The way you feel towards yourself, if it is dark and distressed, this is bound to leak out and effect the people closest to you.
Believing in yourself and taking care to maintain your wellness will benefit not just your relationship with yourself, but your relationship with the people you care most about, and you will find that the bonds you form with other people will be much stronger than they once were.
Learning Perseverance
Once you start to believe in yourself, you will find it easier to overcome obstacles. If you want to pursue a career as an artist or musician, for example, believing in yourself will allow you to overcome the rejections and criticism you might face along the way. For people who lack confidence, these obstacles can be crippling. When you learn to believe in yourself, it will not exactly be a breeze to get through these drawbacks, but it will be much more manageable because you will be easier on yourself.
Being easy on yourself really is one of the keys to maintaining wellness. It will keep you from being your own worst enemy so that you can overcome challenges with the actual enemies, people who will try to bring you down on your path to success and accomplishing your goals. It is not an overnight change, but one that you can learn slowly if you are, like with studying for an important exam, willing to put in the time.